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czwartek, 28 maja 2009

video wall on Jakominiplatz

thanks to ESC my video work is being shown in video wall on Jakominiplatz/Graz
photo documentation soon 


29.05.2009 Official opening of the SONS Muzeum (Shoes or no shoes?).

They ask me to sent them the pair of shoes I use in studio. I found it very wired but eventually I did decide to do that as I need the new work shoes anyway.

I miss them in my studio.

I really like Ballen Roger's shoe. It's seriousy wired. I just wonder why do he and Gerard Richter decided to show only one of them ?

Bill Viola reebok shoes.

Ilya Kabakov has the same pair like mine, I did bring them from Austria few years ago. The last one - Owned by Martin Kippenberger

Shoes or no Shoes? Museum
Vandevoordeweg 2
9770 Kruishoutem

poniedziałek, 11 maja 2009


In Schlisselburg’s prison – a place important not only for polish history – it was thought about different ways of diffusion of the matter. In the borders of walls and without the radio discovery communication there was possible thanks to the sensitive hearing and in some prison rooms the fragility of the walls which allows to pull the straw or line through the wall. Although the primary banal aim which was based on the mathematics imagination and dream, and allows for a play with a fourth dimension.
The room where you are is 17 sq meters and in the beginning it was supposed to be only an artist studio. After some time it starts to have a second role / function – a flat. There is nothing strange in it, because from many years some of the artist where showing theirs works in the bed room, other – in the special created for that spaces. This is not so much important. Almost everyone which enter the flat was asking about second room, “but where is a bed room?”.
To go ahead to the feeling of a space neglect, artist tried to use a trick based on the opposition - interior / exterior. The time understood as the fourth dimension allowed for the perfect smooth move to the invisible, but expected place. Beside that view of the flat – studio didn’t changed. In this a bit blur ‘perspective’, a room might be an interior of the picture, which shows the 3-dimensional ‘crystals’ brought from artist’s canvas and a place on the wall signing its line. The room is also an area of a life of other similar rooms. A rectangle painted with ‘magic pencil’ opens door to the parallel world of imagination. It’s better to not lay along anything.
text Krzysztof Gutfrański
cooperation Adam Jastrzebski

w ramach Nocy Muzeów 2009
mieszkanie prywatne,
16.05 godz 9.00 - 24.00
ul Sw Franciszka

sobota, 2 maja 2009


Parcels for the Promised Land

This cristal takes a part in " Parcels for the Promised Land " 

Uhlandstr. 162
10719 Berlin

The crystal – abstraction, which could be shown in different ways: turn upside down and from the left to the right like an uncut diamond. The crystal has a lot of sides and edges and sometimes down could  be up. There is an infinite number of options. Once I saw a small picture of Andrzej Wroblewski (from 1948/9) titled “A man – abstraction”, that work inspired me to make a crystal series. Crystals are also a tangible symbol of a poetic justice – usually, when the right fights the wrong, in cartoons, always some team gets a mysterious crystal, which helps the right to win, finally.  

Crystal –a substitute of the right.

Finally crystals, my crystals consist of triangles, because when I was minimizing a complicated structure of those real crystals I imagined a crystal in that particular way: as an infinite number of small triangles. Triangle could be interpreted in different ways: a Great Yantra in Hinduism, two – the Star of Dawid, in a bodily level a triangle with the top downward is a symbol of a primeval female. She produced herself a semen ,which has become a male symbol, which is pictured as a triangle with a top upward.  Triangle is also a shape of an arrow so it is a symbol of a direction, a determination, a resoluteness, a keenness, but also a stability (has used in buildings since shelters an pyramids to nowadays).